Sunday, February 26, 2006

what a morning

As I was sitting in service Keturah was not feeling well so she sat in with us today and curled up on my lap and fell asleep now that something that has not happen in quite some time. As we were sing the first sing this morning and the word s were something like love with all strength and love with all your heart I could not help look at my daughter and think that if God loves with 1/10 of what I love my kids his love is so truly amazing. That as father we would do anything for our family just as God his giving his only son for me and you and the rest of us out there. I just felt touched today as his was sitting next telling and me that things are going to be okay. Words can’t express how I was feeling after service and two new souls became part of his kingdom. What a day thank Tom and Bobbie

Friday, February 24, 2006

one fixed van

I have defeated my van and I won. Not like I'm keeping score. But faulty fuel later and off to the races we go.
One cold evening working outside last night with some floodlights ands a about an hour today, now we travel as a family again and as Katie would say daddy you fix my vano.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

churchs signs

As I drive around I read a lot of church signs because there are many churchs here in the greater Brooklyn area here just of the few that I like

Worries makes you look around and faith makes you look up

Does what you own
own you

Seeking professional help

Well my van is seeking help again. It has been six month since its last break down, so I sought out so professional help this time. They think the fuel pump is not putting enough fuel out. I replaced that last summer which is not that bad to do again, but I’m lucky it still under that all grateful limited one year warranty so I don’t have spend another $289.00 for that part, yea that much for a fuel sending unit thats smaller than a shoe box , just an afternoon of working on that van again. so long live that van may ride again off into the sunset. be bless for another day

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

latest findings

I ran across these and it made laugh.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Olympic games

I was watching TV this weekend and I keep getting drawn to watch curling, that game where a person slides a "rock" down the ice and two people use those little brooms to get the "rock" to go a certain direction to hit another stone or to block, why do I know so much about this sport that you only see every couple of years. I keep coming back to this sport I'm like a bug to a bug zapper.but its sport that made the Olympic games again. Well that my thought of the day.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

spring events

I have been thinking doing a what could be a short or long canoeing trip down the River Raisin, starting in Brooklyn and ending either Manchester or even Tecumseh , So if anyone thinks he or she might want to something like when the water warms up let me know.

Monday, February 13, 2006

weekend in review

Going though my weekend in my head it was a great weekend, it all started with another fun small group (Sammy great job on leading) Doug you where missed, John Million joined us I hope didn't we scare him off. Then on to Connor’s Birthday party hard imagine it has been one year so far to darn fast with him. Then next a wonderful dinner with all of our family and friends (thanks to all who worked to get that done, Vera, Kevin Amy and Pete for the photos and any else that was involved. And onward to Sunday morning service, Tom I truly enjoyed that message. Which lead to a fun lunch with the Walshs, Nevins, and our kids at the cowboy, I kind of felt bad for the people who where eating who didn’t know us all them kids just having fun eating talking rather loudly and them all waving at Mr. Jim and Don, and all them napkins used, and a long drive to let the kids sleep. While I was driving I could not help but look at them sleeping in the little mirror and just be amazed how it has came to be that I‘m father to two wonderful children and married to a beautiful wife. And to top off the evening we ended going to the Church of Christ 6:00 pm service. Owen was leading service and he did good job of going a his lesson and it was nice to see some people we have not seen on quite some time and that was just my weekend I can’t wait to see what God has in plan for me this week. Have great week be blessed and smile at your neighbor

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Change is Inevitable;
Growth is Optional

I saw this while driving today and this kept going though my mind.I'm growing or staying with my feet stuck in the ground.