Monday, January 30, 2006

Nine months

Yesterday I dawned on my that its has been nine months since the beginning of New Song. A short time but a great time in that. Babies have been born and new ones to come, families have grown closer. Which lead to think again ( the trouble it can lead me to) . In the last nine months I (Melissa and Me) have grown so much closer to so many people its hard explain where once we a part to now we are like all family, I find it hard to go a week without talking to any of my brothers or sister you all have become a huge part of our lives , just as we hope to be a part your lives too. As we go forward looking into what to come, I have faith that all come in time for all of us. Because in that short time we have come so far and think what we happen after just a few short years. Be blessed, we are for having you in our lives

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New starts

I know it passed the new year in all, butI have been thinking a lot about lately. As I started this there are many things I like I would like to see changes in. I want and will be a better husband to my great and wonderful wife (Melissa)try to spent more time with her with the TV off and the kids in bed or with a baby sitter. And love my kids more then I thought I could. I still fighting my way though school and there are days that gets the better of me and that's battle that I need to win more, and my girl little debi I must AVOID her at all cost. I want more out of life but not things just people family and friends, those are the things that can't be taken away from in the end. But in the end I'm just happy and grateful to have all of you in my life to make a bad day better and good day in to great day. see-ya all sunday or sooner

Monday, January 09, 2006

Wed morning

On Wednesday morning my stepfather (steve drake) is going in for heart surgery to repair a heart valve could you all keep him in your prayers for him and my mother the next couple of weeks thanks