Part I of many
Part I
Well last post of the year. This morning I was standing in the rear getting ready to serve juice for communion, and I was looking over the group seeing where we all sit. The Nevins in their spot, Melissa close by, Ray and Sherri close by too, Don in the front, Lou and crew front and center Sam and Laura would be close to their sport if they where home. Which lead to think we all have a place where sit and place where we stand, but is that enough?
Last week while working I noticed some young men dress in black jackets and slacks with little nametags from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints out doing their thing. I don’t share all there beliefs we do have some in common. Which lead me more thinking I help out on Sunday morning greeting for may-be one hour a week three out of four weekends a month which is may come out to be four hour a month or 48 hours/ six days a year. Just doing my part, now the boys in black if they do that eight hours a day, five days a week comes out to 2080 hours or rounded up to 260 days of giving to the church plus they do it for two year so double that number. Which means I would have to spend 23 years giving one-hour greeting just equal their two years. I’m willing to guess that they just don’t stop when their time is up either too.
How can I give more? Which leads me to these New Year Resolutions
Be a better husband (I know most think Melissa is sooooo lucky to have me but its the other way around) call when I'm going to be late
Be a better father spend more quality time with them, turn off the TV
Everyone favorite lose some weight (for me and my kids)
Learn play the guitar better I may never lead worship butI would like to be able play at a camp fire some day
Invite someone to church twice if I have to
Be a better friend to anyone who needs one
And to love like I am loved
These are just few of the things running through my mind and few you know me, my mind is it own world in its self.
More to come be blessed
Ryan, you are just one cool dude. I think you and Melissa are such great people. Your goals have the wheels turning in my head. Keep it up!!
amen tom.
although on second thought, we would call him barney for short, and that just wouldn't do.
There is always BJ (Barney Junior)...sounds more manly!!
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