Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Six degrees of separation

You know how they say that most of the world could connect to one another through six people. Funny how that works. Last Saturday night Melissa took me out to Ann Arbor comedy club for my birthday, a fun filled evening. While sitting there I looked over to the couple sitting next to us and see the he had on a Carlsberg beer rugby jersey on, which made me smile, being a beer I enjoyed drinking while in Hong Kong. So I had to say something about, like nice shirt and great beer I have more than my share while in Hong Kong, Funny that's where I got it from he told me. Which lead into this conversation how we where both in the navy stationed in the same port about the same and how we both knew some of the same people and how different we used to hang out at. For all I know we could sat on the same bar and even shared a drink and talked for all I know. All because he had chosen to wear that shirt that night. If I was connected to this guy by a bartender named Tac or different friends from former life how else am I connected with everyone else? As we get older our worlds keep getting smaller and smaller. So get connected with life and life will connect with you. Thanks Frank and Crystal, be blessed


At 3:41 PM, Blogger Four-Leaf K' lover said...

Ryan, you are such an outgoing guy, that I bet it would almost be impossible for you not to know someone. YOu are SOO mentally unstable, that you may even convince yourself that you know someone, even if you don't. Love ya....

At 8:22 PM, Blogger wowgirl said...

That's pretty cool...I love it when stuff like that happens


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