Eyes of a child
Tonight Keturah went for a walk as we both like to do, and we took Jake and we took turns walking him. For those who have not meet or seen him he a Rottweiler lab mix about a hundred pound dog. The sight of Keturah walking such a big dog that out weight three times over is funny to see but Jake just walks with me telling him to heal every so often,
The most fun we have is picking flowers for Melissa, we walk by some beautiful flower bed and she does not even give a second look instead so will walk pass to see a flower/weed and that’s the one for mama or anything that anyone else might dismiss as flower but not her. And her asking daddy do snakes bite? Some does baby girl is my answer, but what about little ones. All the time just looking for the right one to pick to give to her mom.
As Keturah walks Jake she trusts that he will not drag her down the road and that I will not let him drag her along. Just as we will trust in the Lord for him lead along the right path in life. Even when the path seems very unclear we trust in him. For he is our Father and in him we trust.
Psalm 40:4
Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.
Missed you yesterday!
We can learn so much from our children!! Beautiful and enlightening!!
that was a wonderful walk...thank you
Amen Brother, Amen....
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