Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Habakkuk 3:19
The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights.
For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.

I believe it Jim told me about this passage and so I looked it up and found it made think more about this one.
I am just a person and if alone can any do small things, but with God imagine what I could do I can go higher than I ever knew it was possible with his strength he. Feet like a deer, have you ever watched a deer run and how they just tend bounce and glide though what ever they go though I want to be that deer run though life and seeing with the Lord has made for me. For he has made us in his image, him gliding though the heavens waiting for his children to come back home.


At 7:35 AM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

Part of the joy of the struggle is to help you grow.
You know if a butterfly doesn't struggle against the walls of his crysalis, finally breaking free of his prison, he will never be able to fly. The struggle makes him strong enough to fly.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...



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